Game comment – AFRC vs Baby Gaijins

(English translation included)

Dimanche 14 fevrier 2010
Score : AFRC 36 – 7 Baby Gaijins
Evolution du score : 3-0 (9’ Penalite de Matthieu DERICK), 10-0 (15′ Essai de Stephane Del GALLO et transformation de Matthieu DERICK), 17-0 (19′ Essai de Daniel CONNOR et transformation de Matthieu DERICK), 24-0 (25′ Essai de Stephane Del GALLO et transformation de Matthieu DERICK et score à la mi-temps), 29-0 (36′ essai Keiji YAMAMOTO), 29-7 (essai de leur centre fidjien), 36-7 (54’ – essai de Stephane DURAIN et transformation de Matthieu DERICK et score final)
Equipe AFRC : Charlie BARLOW, Kousuke YAMAMOTO, Matthieu ROSENBERG (cap), Philippe ???, Olivier PLA, Yasutaka NAKAHIRA, Matthieu DECAIX, Alexandre MIROUX, Keiji YAMAMOTO, Stephane DURAIN, Matthieu DERYCKE, Nicolas TANSEAU, Cyril DEJEAN, Stephane Del GALLO, Dan CONNOR. Remplacants : aucun

Analyse du Match :
J’ecrivais en titre lors de notre dernier match que “nous devions savoir marquer sur nos temps forts pour esperer gagner un match”. La lecon a ete retenue avec un match plein a tout point de vue de la part des AFRC. Car, outre les 5 essais que nous avons marques, c’est la facon dont nous avons construit ces essais qu’il faut retenir. Et ce qui est encore plus important, tous du numero 1 au numero 15, nous avons ete au diapason les uns des autres pour un match qui peut apparaitre comme un match reference.

I wrote in title of our last game’s comments that “we must learn to when we dominate to hope to win a game.” The lesson has been well retained with a great match from the AFRC. Because, besides the 5 tries we scored, it’s how we built these tries we need to remember.

Ainsi j’ai aime voir de nouveau un pack conquerant, en melee ou nous les avons bouscules permettant ainsi a “Yama” de marquer un essai dans un fauteuil (36′),
J’ai aime ce pack dynamique avec des mauls construits, deroulants a droite, a gauche, plein d’intelligence tactique,
J’ai aime ce soutien constant au porteur du ballon pour permettre la mise en place d’un 2e puis d’un 3e temps de jeu.
J’ai aime ces touches assurees grace a de beaux lancees de Kousuke et des prises alternativement d’Alexandre MIROUX ou de Matthieu DECAIX,
J’ai enfin aime ces contres sur lancees de l’adversaire.
Et si les 2 premiers points sont des confirmations de notre force en melee, les 2 derniers sont un plus incontestable par rapport aux dechets des derniers matchs.
So I loved to see a conquering pack in scrums where we moved them superbly putting “Yama” in a chair to score a try (36’),
I loved this dynamic pack for the well formed mauls, rolling on the right right, then on the left, showing a real tactical intelligence,
I loved this continued support to the ball carrier to allow the development of a 2nd and a 3rd attacking phases.
I loved these line-outs thanks to great and timely ball throws by Kousuke and well taken alternately by Alexander Miroux or Matthieu Decaix,
I finally loved these challenges on our opponents’throws-up where we were able to steal several of their launches.
And if the first 2 points were confirmations of our strength in scrums, the last 2 were really a major improvement compared with the last few games we played.

Les gazelles de l’arriere se sont mises au diapason de leurs 8 de devant avec “Yama” qui tend a s’affirmer en dirigeant plus autoritairement les debats avants-arrieres; la decouverte d’un 1/2 ouverture d’envergure avec Stephane DURAIN dont le sens du jeu a su mettre sur orbite nos 3/4 centres; un Matthieu DERICK superbe comme 1er centre, bien sur dans ses coups de pied au but (75% de reussite) mais aussi dans les alternances strategiques qu’il sut prendre: defis des centres, passes au large, degagement dans nos 22m pour donner de l’air a l’equipe et surtout, des penal-touches trouvees ce qui est un vrai mieux; Nicolas TANSEAU aura une fois de plus fait valoir ses placages meurtriers; Cyril, a l’aile, nous aura gratifies, d’une prise de balle en l’air suivi d’une contre attaque qui aurait merite d’aller au bout, mais aussi de beaux placages; un Stephane Del GALLO qui a fait son meilleur match de la saison, avec 2 essais a son actif et un placage extraordinaire sur l’un de leurs puissants fidjiens a 5 m de notre ligne; et finalement Dan qui a su prendre par le bon bout son nouveau poste d’arriere, en relancant plusieurs fois pour marquer ainsi un essai plein de volonte entre les poteaux.

The backs were in tune with their forwards: “Yama” has been improving his communications leading well the front-back liaison; the discovery of a fantastic fly half with Stephane Durain of which the sense of play has put into orbit our centers; a superb Matthieu Derick, 1st center, who did well on in his kicks at goal (75% success rate) but also was able to vary his game by challenging the Gaijin’s centers, by passing the ball wide, by kicking away the ball out of our 22m and especially on the penal-touch which ended out the the field, something which was a real improvement; Nicolas TANSEAU showed un that he is our best tacklers with many destroying tackles; Cyril , our number 11, astonished us, taking a ball in the air, followed by a counter-attack on which he would deserved to score a try and we grant him with several excellent tackles; Stephane Del Gallo, who has playes his best game of the season, with 2 tries (15’ and 25’) and a decisive tackle on one of Gaijin’s powerful Fijians at 5 meters from our try line; and finally Dan has managed well his full back position in taking his chance several times to counter-attack and on one of them, he was able to score a try between the posts (19’).

Mais, j’ai aussi surtout aime, les placages de belles factures de toute l’equipe. C’etait un gros point faible jusqu’a present, il a ete joliment corrige aujourd’hui. Et je me souviens plus particulierement de ceux de Stephane Del GALLO, de Charlie, de Cyril et de notre cisailleur, Nicolas. Je suis certain que ces placages ont marque psychologiquement les Gaijins qui ne s’attendaient certainement pas a un tel traitement. Il semble ainsi que les entrainements commencent a payer avec une defense en ligne et moins en zigzag.

But I also especially loved the beautiful tackles we achieved and I remember particularly those of Stephane Del Gallo, Charlie, Cyril and our killer, Nicolas. I am sure that these tackles have impressed psychologically the Gaijins who have surely not expected such treatment. It proves also that training sessions were paying off as we got a well positioned backs line and not a zigzag line as before.

J’ajouterais que l’occupation du terrain a ete bien meilleure principalement en attaque. Il nous reste, bien sur, a travailler les placements et les strategies sur les 2e et 3e temps de jeu pour encore rehausser notre jeu.

I would add that the occupation of the field has been much better, mainly when we attacked. But, we still have some work to do to improve our positioning and strategies on the 2nd and 3rd attacking phases to raise our game level.

Mais il est clair que l’equipe a su etre solidaire, joueuse, intelligente et se prepare si elle continue a jouer et s’entrainer ensemble, a faire souffrir bien d’autres equipes et a commencer par les Wild Turkeys lors de notre prochain match le 28 fevrier.

But it is clear that all of you were able on support our ball carrier, playful, smart and if you continue to play and train together, it is sure that many teams will suffer against us, starting with the Wild Turkeys for our next game on February 28.

Et n’oubliez pas jeudi prochain, l’entrainement a 19h00 qui se focalisera sur les strategies en 2e et 3e temps de jeu qui sauront destabiliser les defenses pour encore plus d’essais.

And do not forget next Thursday’s training to 19h00 which will focus on strategies in 2nd and 3rd attacking phases which will destabilize the defense of our opponents for more and better tries.



2 responses to “Game comment – AFRC vs Baby Gaijins

  1. traditional British hotwater crust pies, fresh from Ikegami Tokyo.
    (i posted this here as i could not find any email addy for the club. Have very recently contacted Tokyo Gaijin and Tokyo Crusaders, and have met with a very enthusiastic response. Hope you guys feel the same way).

    The reason i am contacting you is this:
    i make pies.
    Trad hand raised (jelly in) pork pies, tandoori chicken pies, chicken Madras curry pies, Scotch egg pies, venison pasties, sherry trifle and apple and raisin bread and butter pudding.
    I sell these, and was wondering if you guys would be interested.
    I have a Facebook group
    lots of pics in the gallery.
    Please feel free to join the group and have a nosey.
    Please let me know what you think.
    I started baking these last year as 1: i couldn’t find any decent pies in Tokyo (i live in Ikegami), and 2: i got heartily sick of Japanese dissing British food.
    Since last November i have been quite busy every Sunday baking to order.

    I have had consistent pie orders since last year from mates who are footballers in the Tokyo Metropolis League, and then it occurred to me, rugby players have bigger appetites! (my father was an amateur player, a winger in Cardiff, and he could scoff a plate of pies).

    Hope this is not an unwelcome intrusion into your time, and if it is, my apologies.

    Best regards,
    Nick George

    i posted this here as i could not find any email addy for the club. Have very recently contacted Tokyo Gaijin and Tokyo Crusaders, and have met with a very enthusiastic response. Hpe you guys feel the same way.

  2. If only I had a greenback for each time I came here! Superb post.

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