Monthly Archives: May 2010

AFRC vs Dandelions – meeting 12h00 at Musashi Urawa

Hi,1 month without any competition, so it is time to get back into business. We are playing the Dandelions this Sunday, a good team we meet during the Shuto League.

Meeting is at 12h00 at JR Musashi Urawa Station 武浦和 (Saikyo Line), and game is on Akigase Ground, where we usually have the Shuto League games.

I have 11 yes so far (according to doodle):
JP, Matt R, Mat V, Nico, Charlie, Damien, Simon, Kosuke, Pierre, Higashi, Adam.

Send me YES/NO/Maybe, as usual…

No game on Sunday 23rd, training on Saturday 22nd

Hi ladies,we could not find a replacement game for this week end, sorry about that.
Instead, please come to the training on Saturday 22nd, from 13h00, at Tatsumi, we will try to get some good hits.

AFRC / No-Side: win by 30-12

(Enlish translation included)

Dimanche 9 mai 2010
Score : AFRC 30 – 12 NO SIDE
Evolution du score : 5-0 (4′ – essai Damien MARTY, non transforme), 10-0 (12′ – essai Charlie BARLOW, non transforme), 10-5 (20′ essai de leur ailier droit, non transforme et score a la mi temps ), 15-5 (37′ – essai de Pierre LOUVE, non transforme), 15-12 (42′ essai de leur 2e centre, transforme), 20-12 (45′ essai de Kousuke YAMAMOTO, non transforme), 25-12 (50’ – essai d’Alexandre DURAND, non transforme), 30-12 (57′ – essai d’Ishmaeh, non transforme et score final).
Equipe AFRC : Kousuke YAMAMOTO, Pierre LOUVE, Yoshio NAIKI, Benoit RENGADE, Alexandre MIROUX , Fabien DEMAS, Laurent SERENA, Charlie BARLOW, Mala, Damien MARTY, Matthieu ROSENBERG, Alexandre DURAND, Adam ANIS, Stephane del GALLO, Daniel CONNOR, . Remplacants : William DIEU, Ishmaeh, HIGASHI.

Analyse du Match :

A l’issue du match, de nombreux joueurs ont trouve leur prestation décevante face a une faible equipe des NO SIDE. Je les ai trouves bien difficiles car, même si je conviens que nos adversaires du jour étaient relativement faibles, il n’en demeure pas moins que nous avons marque 6 essais: 3 par les avants et 3 par les arrières.
After the game, many players found disappointing their performance against a pretty weak NO SIDE team. I did find them very harsh because, although I agree that our opponents of the day were relatively weak, the fact was we scored 6 tries: 3 by the forwards and 3 by the backs.
Les 3 essais d’avant sont le résultat d’un travail de sape de notre mêlée qui a enfonce celle des NO SIDE dès l’entame du match, avec comme cerise sur le gâteau de belles charges de Charlie BARLOW, de Kousuke YAMAMOTO et de Pierre LOUVE qui tous les 3 ont été récompensés en marquant chacun un essai.
The three tries from the forwards have been the result of a sapping work against the NO SIDE scrum from the start of the game combined with superb runs from Charlie BARLOW, Kousuke YAMAMOTO and Pierre LOUVE which each of them were rewarded by scoring their personal try.
3 essais d’arrière. Le premier de Damien MARTY, suite a un exploit personnel comme il en a le secret, mais les 2 autres suites a des mouvements ou la balle est passée de mains en mains, et ou le support a assure la continuation du jeu.
3 trials from the backs. The first one by Damien MARTY, after a personal achievement of which he has the secret, but the other two were scored after great attacking moves when the ball was passed from hand to hand, with timely support to ensure the continuation of the attacks.
Ce fut pour moi un des éléments intéressants et réconfortants de l’après midi ou nous fumes capables de faire plus de 2 a 3 passes sans faire de fautes de main et ou nous avons su nous retrouver dans les mauls et rucks pour créer plusieurs temps de jeu qui ont libéré des espaces.
For me, it was one of the interesting and comforting key points of the game where we were able to do more than 2 to 3 passes without failure and where we managed to be well organized into rucks and mauls to create more attacking sequences that freed spaces into the NO SIDE defense line.
On ajoutera a cela que la touche fut plus performante que contre les Navy avec de belles prises de balles des sauteurs, même si quelquefois, nous ne sommes pas parvenus à contrôler la balle ce qui nous mit sous pression.
We can add that it was our line out was more efficient than against the Navy, with good catches of the ball by our jumpers, even if sometimes, we are not able to control the ball which put us under pressure.
Enfin, on notera qu’aucun essai ne fut transformé. Cela n’a pas eu d’incidence sur le score mais en d’autres occasions nous aurions pu nous en mordre les doigts. Il apparait donc que la présence de notre buteur attitre, Matthieu DERICKE, est donc primordiale pour le rendement de l’equipe.
Finally, we must mention that no try was converted. This very poor result did not affect the score but on other occasions we may bitterly regret it. Therefore, it appears that the presence of Matthew DERICK is essential for the performance of the team.
Il reste néanmoins à travailler la défense où nous fûmes lents à nous mettre en place, en particulier, lorsque les NO SIDE partirent au large et où nous nous sommes trop souvent retrouvés en sous nombre.
It remains nevertheless that we need to work our defense positioning strategy as we were slow to move and be at the right position at the right time, especially when the NO SIDE backs went quickly wide and when we were too often outnumbered.
Finalement, je voudrais féliciter notre petit nouveau Pierre LOUVE, talonneur du jour, combattif dans les mauls et les rucks, créateur de percées dans la défense adverse même s’il doit travailler sa protection et sa présentation de balle lorsqu’il est arrêté.
One more point, I would like to congratulate our newly joined player Pierre LOUVE, first time hooker in his life on that day, who was combative at mauls and rucks, who initiated great breaks in the opposing defense line even if he has to work its protection and presentation of the ball when he is tackled.
Dans 15 jours, le dimanche 22 mai, en remplacement de la tournee a Osaka, reportee a octobre-novembre 2010, un nouveau match nous attend. Notez le sur vos agendas. Nous aurons besoin de tous car, comme le signalait fort justement notre Capitaine Matthieu ROSENBERG, auteur d’une belle prestation en 1er centre, chacun d’entre nous doit montrer plus d’engouement vis a vis du club et donc plus de presence reguliere aux entrainements comme aux matchs pour construire une equipe unie de copains dont l’objectif la saison prochaine sera la montee en 1ere division de la Shuto League.
In 2 weeks time, on Sunday, May 22, a new game will be set up to replace the Osaka tour which was has postponed to October-November 2010. Then, mark it immediately on your calendars. We will need everybody because, as rightly pointed by our Captain Matthieu ROSENBERG, credited of a fine performance as first center, each of us needs to show more enthusiasm vis a vis the club and therefore more regular presence at trainings as well the games to be stronger and to build a united team of friends whose goal next season will be to qualify into the first division of the Shuto League.


Win over “No-Side” – upcoming calendar

Hi team,
bravo on our win over No-Side (37-12), match report will be sent soon by Bruno. Next game, I hope to see more backs, it is the last time I play 1st center…

Regarding the calendar, Osaka tour is postponed to Oct or Nov, so we are looking for a game on the 22nd or 23rd of May. Please keep this week end a "game week end" with your availability.

Day Event Location Infos
23 May 2010 Osaka Tour To be set TBA TBA
6th of June 2010 AFRC vs Dandelions TBA TBA
20th of June 2010 AFRC vs ? To be set To be set
4rth of July 2010 Shuto 10s tournament Shin-Urayasu TBA
10th and 11th of July 2010 Sugadaira tournament Sugadaira (Nagano) TBA

Trainings are ON this Thursday (Takadanobaba) and Saturday (Tatsumi).


AFRC vs “Takadanobaba No-Side” – meeting at 12h30 Koiwa station

Hi guys,
this week end, on the 9th, we are playing the "No-Side", a team that frankly I don’t know shit about. But let’s get together for a Sunday of rugby.

We are playing on the Edogawa ground, the same against the Moccossu, but this time, game is on Sunday.

Meeting at JR Koiwa Station, at 12h30. Kick off will be at 14h40.

We are in the middle of the Golden Week, so let’s gather people ASAP: send me a mail with your availibility.
